Friday, April 1, 2011

What's on your to-do list?

I use to be a “planner.”  I would (and still do on occasion) get up each morning and write out a list of the things I need to do.  Don’t you?  I guess I’m asking if there is anyone out there who doesn’t at least mentally make that list?  What about your “Bucket List?” If you saw the movie, it was about the list of things you’d like to see or do, before you pass away.  Lists and more lists, yet the desire is for simplicity.

It was pointed out to me that my “To-Do” list had become an idol directing my life.  An idol?  If you think about it, an idol is something that distracts you from hearing and practicing the nearness of God.  Before you think I’ve gone off the deep end, I’m saying that I would base the success of my day on the number of items I got to checked off that list.  Really!  I mean, if I started my list, after I had already done a task, I would still write that task down so I could cross it off!!!  So, if I didn’t finish my list, was I a failure for that day?!!  Did I cheat and take something off the list, just so I could make it look like my day was more successful? Did I take a list that said Saturday and write a slash and add Sunday, making it look like I planned it for the whole weekend?  Sadly, I have to say yes!  But what I really was doing was basing my "worth" on MY idea of MY accomplishments and that is not how God wants us keeping score. 

We all yearn for simpler times.  We think, when our lives aren’t so hectic, we’ll have time to do (blank).  Unfortunately, and I really don’t want to burst anyone’s bubble, but, the day at hand is probably going to be the simplest time, not to mention that we are only given today, so if you keeping putting off your enjoyment you may never get to realize it.  In my mind, once I got to the end of being able to make my lists, then I would have time to have fun, but unfortunately, the list winds up repeating itself – well at least if you like a clean house and clean clothes it does!

The picture on my blog this month is one I took from a cruise we went on to Bermuda, back in 2007, before the economy fell apart.  The occasion was our 25th wedding anniversary and our entire family (31 of us) were all together.  My husband is also a planner, and he asked me, what I wanted to do for our anniversary.  I’m big into family, so I thought; let’s have a big family reunion.  I had no idea he meant on a cruise.  He scrimped and saved, and paid for all of our immediate family members!  I am still in shock!  When he announced to me that this is what he had planned, he asked me what destination I wanted to go to.  I choose Bermuda.  In 1988, my nephew was diagnosed with leukemia.  As part of the make-a-wish program, he and his family traveled to Bermuda.  Rick was 20.  While there, he made this remark, “Mom, this must be like heaven.”  Rick passed away in April of 1989.  In 2006, his mom, was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, right in the middle of when we were in the planning stages of this trip.  I choose Bermuda as our destination, hoping and praying to take Nancy, back to earthly “heaven”.  God had other plans though, and brought her to the real place.  The following August, the rest of us set sail.  Nancy and Rick were never far from my mind!

I learned something from that experience.  I learned to seize each day and to find the joy in that day.  Each morning, I read and journal my thoughts and today the passage that struck me was Psalm 12:6 – “And the words of the Lord are flawless.”  When I image flawless, I think pristine in its beauty.  Simple.  It conjures up images of a baby after its bath, wrapped in a towel, warm.  Another image is of a spring day at daybreak with dew on the ground, the trees and flowers budded and the sun beckoning their attention; or of the sun dancing on the expanse of the ocean, like diamonds glistening. I think of Bermuda. I think of my rockers, and sitting enjoying the company of loved ones.  These and other images of beauty are the balm to my soul, while the person I am wants to write out those lists.  Now, I not only take the time, I purposely make the time to sit, because when the shoulds and ought tos of the world crowd out the important things in my life, I need to hear Him as He gently calls and motions for me to be still and listen, for He is in control and I need only be.

Looking up!~Barb

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