Friday, January 21, 2011


Trust is being able to rely on the integrity, ability or character of a person or a thing.  How easy do you find it to trust?  Unfortunately for me, trust is a major dilemma.  Initially I would say I was a pretty naïve person, who basically believed anything anyone told me.  I would always think, why would they not tell the truth?  Over the years, I have had more stories fabricated to me than I care to relate, and I still don’t understand why!
I’m pretty simple, straightforward even.  To me, there aren’t versions of the truth.  I guess I see things pretty much black or white.  It does not mean I always do what is right, but it means that I know when something is right vs. its being not right.  I try to live my life in such a manner that my integrity is without question.  No, this was not always the way, unfortunately I got caught up in my self-importance during my younger years and can still do so now.
Unfortunately, when a relationship has a problem with trust, it is pretty much doomed.  I am actually experiencing some of those relationship type quandries now.  Things have progressed to such a point, that I can’t tell when I’m being told a truth or an untruth.  I’ve stopped asking, not because I’ve stopped caring, but I don’t want the person(s) further damaging either the relationship OR themselves (in the event, they feel shame, remorse or guilt over speaking untruths).  I’m not in a position of judgment, I can only say I’m trying to find a position of empathy and I can only relate to how I might feel, if I were to be found in such a compromising situation. 
It should come as no surprise that if we view trust from the human condition and apply it to God, well, it is no wonder we find it hard to trust Him.  Thing is, He is far greater than we can even imagine and to wrap Him in our limited concept, well it is done, but shouldn’t be.    All my recent morning readings have revolved around the issue of trust.  I was walking our dogs this morning and I had my IPOD playing the same song over and over.  The song playing was “Trust Me” by Crystal Lewis.
Trusting when the way seems dark and scary is not easy.  Trusting someone to lead, means letting go of your control and believing that someone is there to help you sort through the maze.  God needs us to let go, so that He can work in us and through us.  He says in the song, trust ME, let Him lead.  Try to find the joy inside the trial.  What?  Joy inside the trial, what the heck kind of sanctimonious stuff is that?  About the 3rd time I listened to this song, it finally dawned on me.  The joy inside the trial is GOD.  He's the joy!  Then it is finding that God is in control and is willing to take the wheel, if we would only give it over to Him.  We need to release it completely.  I don’t know about you, I have the unfortunate bad habit of releasing it, only to take it back again.  It’s like playing tug-of-war with God, except He’ll out wait you.  When you are serious about your ability to give it over, that’s when He will take it.  But, just so you know, things don’t always work out the way we want them to!  His answers can be yes, no or wait.  Can you handle that?  Sometimes what we want now, might do us more harm than good, but if we had waited, we would have received something so much better and better for us.  The wait or as the song says, the way may be steep, but we can always trust God, a God who only wants the best for us, His children.  It's ok, you can trust Him! 
Looking up! ~ Barb


  1. Barb, your posts are so "IN" my life right now!! I experience that tug of war all the time these days. Mostly when it comes to my kids......I know I should turn loose and trust that God will make a better way for them than I can, but as a mother it is so hard....I tug one way and God tugs another!
    Thanks for this post!

  2. Nice blog Barb. I'm enjoying it. I actually think it is a brave thing to put your thoughts out there, alot of people can't even understand their own mind, let alone put their feelings into words.
