Sunday, December 18, 2011

Round to its

     Ok, it's time.  I've put it off as long as I could, but the lesson learned was that in putting it off it only delayed the inevitable.  This morning I woke up and my initial thought (and it was an odd one!) was that I needed to cash in my "round to its".  Meaning those things that I keep saying I'll do, when I get around to it.  I mean what's the point of hanging onto something for someday?  That's like saving bell-bottom pants from the 70s and resurrecting them in the 10s - chances are even if they come back in style, they aren't gonna fit!
     So what are some of the "round to its" on your list?  Do you keep making promises of some sort or the other to be something, do something and just find that when time gets crunched, those things get put on the back burner?  For the last two months, my availability has changed, because of my job.  Working 8-10 hour days on my feet (and it isn't a complaint) leaves me with little desire to do things I don't have to do, especially if they are things that go unappreciated.  It really is true that you make time for what is important to you.  I've been on both sides of the aisle on this one.  I've made the time, when I had plenty of it and I've tried to make the time when my time was limited.  Each of us has to navigate the waters we swim in and if we see someone sinking we are going to reach out to the one reaching back, not the one who is already dead in the water.
     This sounds like a pessimistic approach to life, but truly it isn't meant to be.  God is constantly shaping the trees of our lives, pruning branches as He sees fit.  It is in the pruning we grow.  We on the other hand cling to what we know and by clinging to something that doesn't have life in it, we are in essence trying to resuscitate that which God has already pruned.  It just ain't gonna happen and in coming to that realization you can then move forward and concentrate on the blessings that are working.  Sure there will be moments of flashbacks on what might have been, but God's plan is perfect for each of us and we just need to stop stamping our foot in impatience about our own plan, when He has other plans for us!
     We are getting ready to enter a new year and I'm not big on resolutions, they hold for the first two weeks and like a diet, the first time you cheat, you blow it from then on - especially if you are like me and you have to start things on the first day of the year, or month or week.  Not treading on too many toes am I?  Smile!  Truly though, my wish is to be able to be the person God wants me to be, free to enjoy His blessings without the responsibility of trying to be something or someone to others who hold me at their convenience.  Part of this thought came after sending out some Christmas cards and trying to condense a year of life into a few pictures and words.  Really?  We send our greetings, brag about our positives, hide our negatives and breathe a sigh of relief that we're covered for another year.  Really?!  If these people really mattered, wouldn't we pick up the phone, send a note (remember snail mail?) or email, text, face book, etc?
     And no, no one "dumped" in my cheerios this morning (as one reader comically suggested previously) :)  My wish is for all to live a life of simple integrity.  We are all wonderfully made and in allowing ourselves to dwell there with God at our centers, our courses will be charted in directions we may not be able to fathom.  Clean out the cobwebs, allow the fresh air of change to blow through. Get rid of the "round to its!" 

   "God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can and wisdom to know the difference."  

Looking up!


1 comment:

  1. Dang!!! My feet hurt from all the toe stomping, girl!! As usual, you are right on with your assumptions and thoughts. How I hope that your time becomes easier and you feel a bit less like navigating the waters and more like moving swimmingly along!! Merry Christmas, friend.
