Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Lesson 9,999+..... on trust!

“Wasn’t that something Lord?  There he was saying “help me,” but he wouldn’t show me the hurt.  A quote taken from the Women’s Friendship devotional.
Well, how often have I done just that?  Face it, none of us goes through life unscathed and yet, there are some who seem better equipped to handle it OR they bury it deeper than the world can see and gloss over it.  Unfortunately, I’m one whose reservoir for deception doesn’t run deep, meaning if something is wrong it will present itself somewhere.  What I am finding out though is those who seemingly “bury it” wind up dealing with their issues compounded with associated health issues on top.
God asks us to be transparent with Him.  Don’t you realize He already knows what is going on in your life?  He’s waiting with a reply, but won’t force it on us.  He gave us free will.  Free will is a “god-like” feature, because it is the gift of independence by a God who would prefer our dependence on Him.  He will not force it.  Just like love, it can’t be forced!
Our sorrows or regrets can lead us back to God or they can lead us to “death.”  Either way it is our choice.  Using Peter and Judas as examples, both betrayed Christ, both felt badly having done so, both repented in their own way.  Yes, Judas tried to undo what he did by going back to the Jewish leaders and giving back their money.  Peter by humbling himself before the risen Lord.  Peter’s regret led to his salvation.  Judas’ led to his suicide.  Why?  Because in their repentance one saw God as the forgiver, the other didn’t.  Why?  Because one’s heart was centered in Christ and allowed himself to be broken, the other heart was self-centered trusting in himself and the world and he knew that the world would keep letting him (and us) down.
Where is your hurt?  Recently my heart has hurt from lacking in trust and I kept looking for people to “tell me” things would be ok.  Well, they may be, for a while, until the next “issue” pops up.  That is when it dawned on me; I keep equating the trust issues I have with people and foisting them on God.  If I can’t trust people, then I must not be able to trust God.  Hello?!  Do I have something backwards here?!  Ya think?!
Try as we do, humans will always be found lacking in something and that something might just be the thing you would need from them.  Instead, take it to God, show Him your hurt and then trust Him that He will be the Healer of whatever ails you.  The important thing to remember in this is that He is the deliverer of a message and the message is not always the one we want to hear, but in the long run is the one that is best for us!  Remember, Peter had to humble himself, but wound up with more than he could ever have hoped for! 
Looking up!~ Barb

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