Sunday, April 10, 2011

Positive manure

Nothing is wasted, according to God.  That was the one of the highlights I read in my morning devotional this morning “Jesus Calling.”  He uses everything, even the stuff unfit for mankind.  He can turn that stuff (our sins) into beauty using His transforming grace!

We are so one dimensional when it comes to our thoughts and God is very much high-tech and multi-dimensional.  When I think of the stuff (my sins) that are unfit for man, much less God, my immediate thought was of manure.  The best gardens are sprinkled with manure.  As a teen, my sisters and I would go on the occasional foray with my mother to hunt down horse manure.  I remember thinking, we weren’t going to take my car to load that stuff in, even though my Ford LTD had a trunk, whereas my Mom’s car was a station wagon.  Now that I think of that, it didn’t make much sense to want to ride with that stuff in our car????  Anyway, we’d bring that manure home and my parents would make a manure tea to then water the gardens with.  Ask the neighbors, my Mom had a very green thumb!

The manure served to fertilize the soil.  It “transformed” the condition of the soil and made it a source of readiness for the plants to thrive in.  I know it might be a stretch, but I believe that God is able to use His transforming grace to take our manure(sin) and fertilize our souls that then await His plantings. 

Another beautiful thought I read this morning from a different devotional “Come Away My Beloved” was that Divine help can also be transmitted though our thoughts.  I’m sure I’ve thought this before, but I never let the thought past my mind and into my heart.  Divine thoughts are the raindrops of nourishment that feed the manured soils that allow for the beautiful blossoms that color our lives.

The beautiful blossoms, are the blessings called friends.  They are God’s ministering agents that God sends into our lives.  I am blessed by these cherished friends and I am grateful to be able to recognize God’s hand in their timely emergence in my life.

No, nothing is wasted, let God work on your soil nutrients!

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