Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Wedding countdown

This weekend is my daughter’s wedding and up to this point, I have not been stressing out. Last night though life started taking its frantic grip and lo and behold, this morning finds me stuffing my face with ice cream for breakfast. I could very well rationalize this as my attempt to clean out the freezer because I need to store bags of ice there….maybe I will just do that.  The beer and wine does need to be cold after all!
On top of that, knowing that I need to fit into a dress I tried on 2 months ago, isn’t stressing me out a bit. No, not at all…yeah, right! The temperature on Saturday will not be conducive to my wearing a sausage skin, because hot flashes in 90 degree heat will make my hair wilt! Oh, the things we women try to do to appear to look as if we have it all together! To that point, I’ve just applied self-tanner so that my bat wings blend in better rather than remaining lily white so as not to point out to the world that the last time I exercised was last year right before my son’s wedding. I just couldn’t afford the "Malibu Barbie" tanning experience again this year. Funny thing is, the aroma from the self-tanner is exactly what I remember! No one better point out to me on Saturday that I missed a spot!

Upon gazing in the mirror this morning, hoping that Christy Brinkley was gazing back, aw shucks….I then had the realization that my hormones aren’t sure what they should be doing. Just the other day, my son thought I had something on my lip and he tried to brush it off….unfortunately it doesn’t brush off, the old "hormones" are giving me both pimples AND a mustache, adding to my "nan, nan". Life isn’t fair. On top of that, my "plucking" abilities are fouled up because I had lasik eye surgery 6 years ago and at the time I thought it prudent to have a "near" eye and a "far" eye. This enabled me to be able to read both a phone book and see in the distance (not the future obviously, or I would have seen the necessity of investing in a scary as hell make-up mirror that magnifies EVERYTHING, even the stuff not supposed to be seen!) As I stand looking in the mirror, tweezers in hand, I keep attempting to find that stray hair, I keep plucking at air and have gone as far as thinking I should just take Bruce’s razor to try and hunt it down. Thing is, I don’t want to then end up with a chinstrap in the future! Sorry, to my future son-in-law, who looks good with one!
All in all, I would have to say we are as ready as we are going to be. One would have to expect to be unnerved if 60+ people were about to descend on one’s home don’t’ you think? And that is just the rehearsal dinner. With my luck, I will have forgotten to change out that one roll of toilet paper that had one square of TP left on it and the one who will find it, will be the one friend who always seems to find it and I never leave it that way on purpose! But mine is a mind that sees the humor in life and I try to just roll with it! Get it, roll, TP….ah, forget it.

These are the things running through my mind, 3 days before the big event. I can’t say whether or not this is normal. What I am not worried about however, is whether or not the kids are right for each other. I have watched them in the four years they’ve known one another. They are committed to each other and have already had to see that life is not just a bowl of cherries. (Why cherries, I’d rather them be a different fruit….who came up with the cherry idea anyway?) But I digress, both Brooke and James have dealt with moving, job changes, illness, and even death and in each instance they have withstood the challenges together. They know that married life isn’t going to be any easier than it was the day before, but in making their vows understand that before God and their families they promise to work together through it all.

In opening our hands and releasing our daughter’s hand to his, we are gaining a young man we consider worthy as a son. We appreciate the lessons they have taught us and hope they can appreciate our lessons in return. We look forward to this union and the joy that it brings both now and in the future. So, no it isn’t about the stuff I’ve been joking about, I do understand that, but the picture wouldn’t be complete if I didn’t share the imperfections that allow for us to be human.

Looking up (and forward)!

1 comment:

  1. OMG!! You are tooo funny and after reading your sentiments on James and Brooke, I just have one thing to say..........Will you be my mother??
    Love you and your moustache!!
