Saturday, September 24, 2011

The rationalization quality vs. quantity

Wow, this is a flip side of the coin.  So often we hear about the necessity of spending quality time with others or about spending more on quality products and I have or up until just recently totally bought into that idea.  And then I read something that made me pause mid-thought.  It was stated that "Quantity trumps quality every time." What made me start second guessing myself was that "Love is built on time spent, NOT on how good the time is."  They used this example about parents buying into the lie that kids need everything their hearts desire and therefore they justify their long hours at work (because they want the power or recognition) but pass it off as being able to buy their kids better stuff.  Hmmmmm.....does their kid want the better stuff or do they want the status of being able to have the better stuff?  The lie is that kids wind up getting stuff, but what they really want is time with their parents!  I loved that they use the idea of chocolate....see I have a thing for chocolate and it is going to be painful here for a minute for me, because I'm abstaining from chocolate in an effort to lose weight.  But I digress.  "But ask a ten-year-old if she'd rather have a high-quality square of chocolate imported from France or a big bag of Hershey's chocolate kisses.  What do you think will win?"  Even better was this idea (for those who might have picked the square)...."imagine trying to have a romantic relationship with someone who only dropped by a few times a year, when it fit into his schedule.  Sure the guy might spend lavishly during those 8 weekends a year with you, but (and this is still being quoted), no self-respecting woman would settle for an arrangement like that."

After reading that, I would have to say I can concur.  But the bottom line is how we rationalize our behaviour.  I am by no means saying that clearing the path is easy and actually when you have to pull up stakes in some regard, it can be downright painful.  Something has got to give.  We either resign ourselves to being slaves to the whims of corporate america or we simplify which can also mean doing with less of some of the things we want.  In talking to a friend today, I heard her say - nothing will do us any good by slaving away, if we die trying to achieve it.  Hmmmmm.

Not that I've enjoyed our financial struggles with this economy.  But I will say, it certainly has made me understand what is and what isn't important.  My joy comes from interacting with others and what I have found is that I have time and no one to interact with!  While working out at the Y is fun.....I can do walking lunges around any track, I have a wii (tm), our neighborhood has a pool, I have a bike but the most important thing I have is the ability to walk and that is free of charge!  Sure toys are fun, but toys on their own don't do it for me.  Give me a friend to enjoy a belly laugh with and I'll gladly give up my toys.

I will end with another quote.  Do you feel too busy to spend time with those you love?  Do you feel too busy to spend time serving someone in need?  Do you feel too busy to spend time praying to the God you worship?  What can you eliminate in order to slow down and have time to love?

Quotes from "Unstuff"

Looking up!~ Barb

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