I came across this quote this morning. "Of all people, are national leaders should be just and fair. When they are unjust and unfair, people suffer. The rich get richer, the poor get poorer, politicians wrest power from the people, national morality deteriorates and God is ignored." Wow, and some people think the Bible is obsolete? These were the study notes that applied to Psalm 58:11 "Surely the righteous are still rewarded, surely there is a God who judges the earth."
Anyone who can't see today written all over this passage, is either blinded by their own ambitious light or just plain too lazy to see. What gets me, is that the minority seems to be making a mockery out of the majority and that I just can't figure out! Who have we become?
In our laziness we expect to be provided for and that is implied for our physical world as well as the spiritual world. We expect someone else to step to the plate for us and hit the game winning homerun! We don't even want to have to run the bases! God triumphs in the end, but that does not mean we are supposed to be sitting back watching the game, God expects us to take our turn at bat. Are you?
I don't especially want to get bogged down in the politics of this, but let me add this in regard to the politicians mentioned above. Anytime someone gets to decide the rules for someone else and they don't have to abide by those same rules we need to ask questions and demand answers. Our politicians are NOT playing by the rules they are making up as they go along. Are we really that naive? They say pass these bills and not only don't we know what's in them, neither do they? In fact one noted politician said "We will find out once they are passed." Really?! Do you realize that these bills they want passed aren't even written yet? So in passing them, they can write anything in them, including big pay raises for themselves or any other self-serving thing like taking away elections (as our esteemed Governor casually mentioned) so that they can get their agendas completed. And if you subscribe to this - will you do me a favor and write me a blank check?!!!!
Because I mention God, don't think me a righteous condemner, or religious fanatic. I am as fallible as anyone, the difference between me and some others is that I'll admit to being fallible. Yes, I have faith and a relationship with Christ and that gives me hope. That is my choice and we each get to make that choice on our own. Forcing religion isn't any better than forcing any other values. That is why America is called the land of the free, but this country was founded on principles I'm sure our forefathers wouldn't recognize today. And just to be clear because I mentioned the founding of our country, I would NOT have been a proponent of slavery or of women not being able to have a voice. We might have come a long way, baby, but I think we may have gone too far! I was not into history when I was back in high school, even though I had some pretty good teachers, I just didn't see how the past had anything to do with today. Well, I get it now! America is on the same path of destruction that the Roman Empire was on. Greed, decadance, power, corruption all are playing the same roles as they did back then and we are sitting back and watching it happen. Our morality is in the toilet, most but not all of our elected officials seem to have the bad habit of lying. Politicians don't pay into social security, don't have to be part of the healthcare bill they are trying to cram down our throats and for the most part have their finances scattered in loopholes so they aren't deemed "rich." If the elected paid their fair share of taxes (when they were supposed to), maybe this whole battle of the rich vs. the poor would be non-existant. What a game, wouldn't it be nice if we all got to play making up rules as we go along that we don't have to follow but we can impose on the peons!
Final thoughts - don't elect people to office because they are just on your team, or they are good-looking or you like the movie stars they like. Research (and their histories should be readily shared) those whose characters stand the test of time, who are willing to abide to the laws they want put into action. They represent you. God expects us to do our part and nothing and I do mean nothing is free. If you want something, we all have to work for it and even though faith is something that is believed and not earned, God doesn't expect us to sit and do nothing when evil seems to be prevailing and that is exactly where society is right now.
"Of all people, our national leaders should be just and fair. The rich get richer, the poor get poorer, politicians wrest power from the people, national morality deteriorates and God is ignored." What part of any of that statement is untrue?
Looking up!~
Anyone who can't see today written all over this passage, is either blinded by their own ambitious light or just plain too lazy to see. What gets me, is that the minority seems to be making a mockery out of the majority and that I just can't figure out! Who have we become?
In our laziness we expect to be provided for and that is implied for our physical world as well as the spiritual world. We expect someone else to step to the plate for us and hit the game winning homerun! We don't even want to have to run the bases! God triumphs in the end, but that does not mean we are supposed to be sitting back watching the game, God expects us to take our turn at bat. Are you?
I don't especially want to get bogged down in the politics of this, but let me add this in regard to the politicians mentioned above. Anytime someone gets to decide the rules for someone else and they don't have to abide by those same rules we need to ask questions and demand answers. Our politicians are NOT playing by the rules they are making up as they go along. Are we really that naive? They say pass these bills and not only don't we know what's in them, neither do they? In fact one noted politician said "We will find out once they are passed." Really?! Do you realize that these bills they want passed aren't even written yet? So in passing them, they can write anything in them, including big pay raises for themselves or any other self-serving thing like taking away elections (as our esteemed Governor casually mentioned) so that they can get their agendas completed. And if you subscribe to this - will you do me a favor and write me a blank check?!!!!
Because I mention God, don't think me a righteous condemner, or religious fanatic. I am as fallible as anyone, the difference between me and some others is that I'll admit to being fallible. Yes, I have faith and a relationship with Christ and that gives me hope. That is my choice and we each get to make that choice on our own. Forcing religion isn't any better than forcing any other values. That is why America is called the land of the free, but this country was founded on principles I'm sure our forefathers wouldn't recognize today. And just to be clear because I mentioned the founding of our country, I would NOT have been a proponent of slavery or of women not being able to have a voice. We might have come a long way, baby, but I think we may have gone too far! I was not into history when I was back in high school, even though I had some pretty good teachers, I just didn't see how the past had anything to do with today. Well, I get it now! America is on the same path of destruction that the Roman Empire was on. Greed, decadance, power, corruption all are playing the same roles as they did back then and we are sitting back and watching it happen. Our morality is in the toilet, most but not all of our elected officials seem to have the bad habit of lying. Politicians don't pay into social security, don't have to be part of the healthcare bill they are trying to cram down our throats and for the most part have their finances scattered in loopholes so they aren't deemed "rich." If the elected paid their fair share of taxes (when they were supposed to), maybe this whole battle of the rich vs. the poor would be non-existant. What a game, wouldn't it be nice if we all got to play making up rules as we go along that we don't have to follow but we can impose on the peons!
Final thoughts - don't elect people to office because they are just on your team, or they are good-looking or you like the movie stars they like. Research (and their histories should be readily shared) those whose characters stand the test of time, who are willing to abide to the laws they want put into action. They represent you. God expects us to do our part and nothing and I do mean nothing is free. If you want something, we all have to work for it and even though faith is something that is believed and not earned, God doesn't expect us to sit and do nothing when evil seems to be prevailing and that is exactly where society is right now.
"Of all people, our national leaders should be just and fair. The rich get richer, the poor get poorer, politicians wrest power from the people, national morality deteriorates and God is ignored." What part of any of that statement is untrue?
Looking up!~