Wednesday, November 16, 2011


What has happened to us?  Us meaning society, as a whole – we are so self-centered, and worried about somebody taking advantage of us that we don’t trust anyone.  Added to that is the idea of us wanting it all, but our wanting it at our convenience and we think the world should revolve around our individual schedules, regardless of anyone else’s time constraints.  Why is it that over and over again, the same people stand in the expectation stance, you know, the one that has them with their hands on their hips, foot tapping impatiently and the look on their face implying the question,  well?!  Interestingly, I am finding that those who consistently find fault with others are the biggest offenders of the stance.  They stand with their wrist out looking at their watches, speaking of busy schedules and lapse into a diatribe when life happens to others and it throws them off their day.  Really?  Has life never happened to these people?  Have things not come up that distract them from what it is that they normally do, that they can’t give someone the benefit of the doubt?  Maybe someone got sick, or was in an accident, maybe someone died or maybe they just were having a bad day and made a mistake or forgot.  S**t happens.  Life happens.  Get over it already!
My husband and I have been in the service industry for the past 16 years.  We own our own kitchen and bath company and to the very best of our ability we have met the deadlines we have promised to keep.  When renovating a kitchen, we have been able to maintain a schedule of being in and out of homes in 10 working days, barring any problems.  That’s replacing cabinets, countertops, tile, electric, plumbing etc.  Over the years there have been very few problems, but that is not to say that life doesn’t happen occasionally and we go over by a day or two.  As the economy has soured, I am finding so have people’s expectations.   When I think of some of the comments heard, it reminds me of the song the Rose, and in particular the line that states – “there are some who won’t be taken, who cannot seem to give.”
For so many years, we have tried very hard to give our best and I don’t say that for any kudos, my husband, more so than myself, is generous to a fault when it comes to business dealings.  I am not knocking myself (after all I am the book keeper so unfortunately my eye always is seeing the bottom line), instead my generosity shows itself in what I am able to do to help others relationally, again, not a kudo point.  Recently though, I have felt under attack- almost as if I am (we are) to blame for something wanted that we are unable to give.  It is crunch time for us in our business, in this economy, and it is a lonely venture, with far too many questions and way too few answers.
People appeal to our giving nature, and we readily agree because that has been our disposition.  Last night I said to Bruce, that I felt sad, that in essence I felt like we were going to have to change our giving tendencies because I was feeling the weight of those taking advantage, which is what started the opening statement – What has become of us?
Where is the generosity of spirit, of neighbor helping neighbor, or for some, families helping families?  I will be quite truthful, today I’m not sure who I would be able to go to if I needed help, because I might interfere with someone’s busy life.  I’ve never been a tit for tat person, I don’t help with a you owe me attitude.  Never have, never want to.   Biblically speaking this attitude is even mentioned in the end times, in 2 Timothy 3:2 it states “For people will love only themselves and their money. They will be boastful and proud, scoffing at God, disobedient to their parents, and ungrateful. They will consider nothing sacred.”
Other words used interchangeably were arrogant, abusive, selfish, bragging, and unthankful.  Does this resonate with anyone else?
For some, this economy has not had much of an effect on their lives.  Their jobs are intact, maybe not with all the raises or perks, but they are basically secure in their day-to-day lives.  For others, including us, this has been extremely trying and I’m not trying to cry the blues, I’m just stating the facts.  What appalls me is how people are unaware of the plights of others and whether or not they realize it, they kick people while they are down.  I’m not sure if this is on purpose or in their subconscious, nonetheless, it still “hurts.”  Whether or not we are aware, we have more or less become a smug society and that is said with emphasis on it being a sliding scale.
I hope I’ve ruffled some feathers with this post, not because I am anyone of significance, but instead to try to shake up our me and mine first attitudes.  God has called us to live in community, not solitude.  Who might you offer a kind word to?  We are coming up to Thanksgiving – what might you do for someone else?  At the very least, we should all take a moment to appreciate the lives we have been given.  Final thought – when we ask God to give us more, did we ever stop to think of all that we already have and complain about?  Might you ever think that God might say, “Why should I give you more……to complain about that too?!”
Looking up!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my!! Someone piss in your cornflakes or something?? Just kidding, Barb. You are totally right about the way we al are these days. I check myself with every prayer NOT to ask God for more and more, but to be grateful for the things he has always provided for me and mine. We are too busy these days to take note of others needs unless it is pointed out to us in a special bulletin on the news or some catastrophe that rocks our world!
    The holiday season is coming and we will all hear more and do more to help others, not seeing the real needs of our closest friends ..if nothing else for our time and companionship.
    Thanks for the post....I do hope that your business picks up and gets easier for you guys.
    BTW, you can call me if you need me. I may come with a baby in tow, but I will come :)
