Before the advent of MP3 and Cds, there were cassette tapes, before those, 8-trac tapes (anyone remember them?) and even before that, records. Records came in 3 speeds (at least in my time); there were 78s, 45s and 33s, also known as LPs standing for Long Playing. The numbers corresponded to the number of revolutions (the speed) in which the thin plastic circle moved to allow the needle of the record player to make sound. The sound was etched into the plastic circle in a series of grooves. When the combination of the circle with grooves, was rotating at the right speed with the needle connected, the sound was amplified through the airwaves through a speaker. And just in case I haven’t gotten all the technology correct, this is my interpretation on how the old record players use to work.
I don’t know why, but this is the thought that came to my mind in regard to my life this morning. Jesus is the needle, each day marks the revolution or speed at which my life responds in sound and I’m the disc (hopefully not plastic though). Simply put, the sounds emitted are the choices we make. Are you emitting an upbeat tempo or a melancholy dirge?
Sometimes we allow dust (dirt) to accumulate on the surface of the record. This usually happens when we mishandle the disc using our fingers laced with our natural oils, by touching the grooves. Records were supposed to be handled by their edges, not clamped down on with the pads of our digits. When the oils have gotten into the grooves, the dust from the air settles and collects on the smudges which can then make the needle get stuck in a groove. Bear with me here…..Have you ever felt stuck in a situation? It is my belief that when we get stuck, it is because we haven’t learned the lesson we’ve needed to learn to be able to allow our needle to move beyond it to the next sound. Sometimes the needle (Jesus) collects some of the surface dust but we then notice that the sounds playing back are full of static. This static is our consciences nagging us to clean our records. If our records get scratched, we miss an entire section which then mars the beauty of that which was etched into the grooves.
We are the records God chooses to put on His stereo system to listen to. This is our prayer life. Whether we are long playing or quick playing, He’s listening to see if the needle (Jesus) stays intact, and then to see if we are a cacophony of noise or a symphony of beauty. Personally, I just don’t want to be a one-hit wonder!
As a piece of anecdotal history, let me add, that a few years ago, when my daughter was 12 or so, she went to put on a record, and having never done so before, she didn’t have a clue where to place the needle???!!! She also thought she had to bear down on the needle, so when she put it on the record, she pressed it into the grooves in the middle of the record. The sound was horrifying and to boot, she then pushed the needle toward the center of the record! I still haven’t figured out her logic as to why she didn’t put it on the outside of the record, and I never even thought to ask her back then! And I never even thought to instruct her on how to place the needle in the first place?! Of course, the shoe is on the other foot now, I haven't a clue how to download an MP3 or maybe I should say, I know how to download it, but I don't know where it goes after it has been downloaded.....I have tons of stuff on this computer (based on how slow it runs) that must be clogging the computer's arteries. I know it needs some angioplasty (I think that is called defragging???)
Looking up!~Barb
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