This morning, I am sitting typing my blog from my rockers, which are back topping my blog’s banner because they seemed to resonate with so many. It is a beautiful spring morning, maybe in the upper 50s and I sit enjoying the early morning wrapped in my fuzzy bathrobe sipping my piping hot cup of coffee. As the sun slowly makes it way up over my neighbor’s house warming the sky and kissing the ripples from my pond’s waterfall, I feel the promise of the day awakening.
Hope. Experiencing the thought, I’ve just written above allows my heart to feel joy and I am blessed to see the beauty with my eyes and doubly blessed to recognize and enjoy it. This is art at its finest and the picture gets refreshed everyday and never are any two the same.
Listening as the birds call out their greetings and before the sounds of mankind mar the beauty of the stillness, I am able to let my heart conjure up images of magnificence. Take these images, internalize them because as beautiful as the gardens that our eyes can see, they are nothing in comparison to the gardens of our souls.
My day is planned to include working in my own gardens, working the soil with my bare hands, removing spent leaves from last year’s blooms and pulling the weeds that have been allowed to accumulate over the winter. This is true for my soul’s garden as well and I welcome the work that is necessary to prepare my soil for the plantings He looks forward to arranging within me.
The sun has made its way further up and now is warming the chair in which I sit. I think I’ll just sit back and enjoy its warmth. The rockers sit in anticipation, the invitation is open. Come and sit a spell….
Looking up!~ Barb
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