Was reading this morning, which is an everyday experience for me and heard something I didn't want to hear. Hey I'm at least honest about it. What was said was, "that there is unparalleled joy and victory when we allow Christ to do the "hard thing" with us." So, what's the hard thing?
I don't know about you, but for me, the hard thing seems to be forgiveness. And this was brought right to my doorstep earlier this week. Why is this so seemingly difficult? I will use the excuse that my feelings were hurt by the things that were said and how they were said. I'm right after all......aren't I? No? Really? but....
As I continued on in the reading, it said "how forgiveness isn't for the person who wronged you, it is for you the one seemingly wronged." Forgiveness doesn't mean you forget what transpired, but that you release that video loop of the event running over and over in your brain, letting it go to God, not just to the abyss. It means that you recuse yourself from playing judge and jury and leave it in God's capable hands to handle it in the manner He sees fit and WHEN he sees fit to do so. Remember this was entitled the "Hard Thing"....
Throughout our lives we will encounter circumstances that just aren't "right", by "our" standards. The question may be asked, who are we to set the standards? I read in the book "The Shack" this telling thought about judging. Paraphrasing here.... A father is in a cave and talking to "a spirit". The "spirit" says to him, "you have 4 children, pick 2 of them to go with you to heaven." This implies that the other 2 don't get to go to heaven. The father, thinks and realizes, that he can't just pick just 2 of his kids, even if they had not been ideal kids all of the time, he wouldn't be able to pick which offense was the clincher for being relegated to hell. His response back to the "spirit" was "I can't." The "spirit" says, "you must, now choose!" The end of the chapter goes on to say that the father says to the spirit "take all my children to heaven and I will pay the price." I love the symbolism of this book.... Isn't this exactly what God did for us, by sending Jesus?! That was a "hard thing".
So, once again, I am encountering in life, lessons I still need to learn and these lessons will be repeated until I learn them and can move on to newer lessons. Geez! The last thing I read today was "that many people are headed for destruction, not out of stubbornness but out of thoughtlessness. Part of our responsibility as believers is to help others stop and think where their lives are headed." I do not stand in judgement of anyone here, I'm only trying to live out loud. I am not without my faults, I already stated that in the beginning of this post, but I want to experience that unparalleled victory and joy that is promised! If I can help anyone else see this, well, I just would welcome the company! :)
Looking up! ~ Barb
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