For the past couple of months, I have been sending emails to friends and family in regards to my thoughts. I don't think that my thoughts are anything special, but I have repeatedly had it suggested to me, that I should consider blogging. This is my first attempt, and actually part of a copy of an email I sent out this morning. I am not a professional writer, just a student of life, trying to connect with others. I am a Christian who believes that the relationship with Jesus Christ is the most integral part my life. And so I begin:
Quote from Dwight L. Moody – “Of 100 men, 1 will read the Bible, 99 will read the Christian”
No, the Christian is not a newspaper or a magazine, the Christian is the person someone professes to be, who wants to walk the walk of Christ. Does the example you exemplify make it easy or difficult for someone to decide to embark on the journey with Christ with you? I am not worthy of anyone “reading” me. I am however a work in progress. I have numerous faults, too many to count! But, and I say this with conviction, I want to walk in humility and need my actions to line up with my words and they are not doing so! This is not only NOT easy, without God’s Grace it is virtually impossible. Each week as I try to move forward, I unearth something “ugly” that seems to set me back. But in the end, my belief is that there is a valuable nugget of God's design hidden beneath the many layers I have taken years to apply to cover over it. I am determined in my will to persist in my attempts of peeling back those layers. Leslie Nease wrote not too long ago in her blog, "Real Life with Leslie Nease" entitled "Brokeness" about feeling like you’ve reached the bottom, only to find that the bottom was a false bottom and it gives away again. I’ve broken through to a new level, but I absolutely KNOW, that through God, I will be made new. My hope is that it is sooner than later, but God’s timing is ALWAYS perfect. What I definitely do realize is although the journey may take me through a period of darkness, I am never alone in that darkness.
Looking up! Barb
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